Understanding the Personal & Team Network

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Once you have successfully logged in.

Locate your name and avatar in the upper right corner.

Click on the name to reveal the menu.

Then click on My Network.

On this page you will find four main areas;

  1. Pending Network Placement
  2. Personal Network
  3. Team Network
  4. Personal Network Stats


Pending Network Placement (Team)

Your referred applicant will appear here once they have been approved by the admin.

You will have 24 hours to place any applicant shown here, in your team network.  Once the 24-hour window have elapsed, if the applicant has not been placed, the system will automatically place the applicant for you.

To place a person, click on the small person icon with the plus symbol, located here to the right of the person you want to place.

On this page, you can place this person anywhere within the team network.  You can determine who you want to receive this placement by clicking on the radio button next to the name of the person.

Or you can let the system automatically determine placement by not selecting anyone.

Scroll until you see “Your Name” Network, below you will see a dropdown selection field.

Auto Placement: This method will check the left and right side of the team network then auto place the person on the side with the least amount of volume (aka weak side).

Place Right Side: This method will place the person on the right side without consideration of volume.

Place Left Side: This method will place the person on the left side without consideration of volume.

Place Strong Side: This method will place the person on the left or right; the side that has the highest amount of volume.

Place Weak Side: This method will place the person on the left or right; the side that has the least amount of volume.

Select placement method you prefer and click on the Place button to place your person referred person into the team network.


Personal Network

In this area you’ll see quick stats about your personal referral network:

Total Commission: Commissions you have earned on your network during the current pay period. This number should equal the total of direct commission and network commissions.

Total Referrals: Number of people you have personally signed up.

Direct Commission: Commission you have earned from the people you personally signup. Commissions are calculated on every hour your personal referral work.

Network Commission: Commission you have earned from people in your network that have been signup by your personal referrals. You will earn an override bonus for each hour a network referral work.


Click the View Personal Network button to see a visual representation of your personal network.


Team Network

In this area you’ll see quick stats about the team referral network:

Total Volume:  Volume is added to the team network during the current pay period. This number should equal the total of left volume and right volume.

Total Members: Number of people in your team network.

Left Volume:  Volume is added to the left side of your team network every hour a person work.

Right Volume:  Volume is added to the right side of your team network every hour a person work.

Click the View Team Network button to see a visual representation of the team network.

Please refer to our commission policy for further details about your compensation.

This concludes this video, if you have any additional questions, please visit our help desk or chat with us by clicking the green chat button at the bottom right corner.




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