Understanding Commission Payout

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Once you have logged into the dashboard.

Scroll down the left menu and click on Financials.

Then click on Commission Payout

Click on any of the three tabs to view reports.  See explains below.

Payout Tab

Payout: Pending Commissions

  •  People: indicates the number of people who triggered a commission for this payout period
  • Personal Bonus: indicates the commission you earned from the Personal Network
  • Team Bonus: indicates the commission you earned from the Team Network
  • Pay Period: indicates how often commissions are paid out
  • Start Date: indicates when this commission period started
  • End Date: indicates when this commission period ended
  • Pay: indicates the total compensation to be paid out

Payout: Processed Commissions

See above for an explanation of each column.  This section allows you to view payout history.

Personal Bonus Tab

This tab show an activity history of the Personal Network commission.

  • Date: Month / Year commissions were earned
  • Compensation: Indicated the commission that was paid out

Team Bonus Tab

This tab show an activity history of the Team Network commission, left/right volume, and roll-over volume.

  • Date: Month / Year commissions were earned
  • Left (V): Indicates volume generated on the left side of the Team Network
  • Right (V): Indicates volume generated on the right side of the Team Network
  • Matched (V): Indicates the equal match of volume on the left and right side
  • Compensation: Indicates the commission earned. Compensation calculation uses a % of the matched volume to determine the compensation.
  • Rollover (V)unmatched volume is rolled over to the next commission period. Rollover volume will remain on the side it was rolled from.
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